In case you missed it, we're The Carcinogens. We play some bitchin music.

GUESS WHAT!! we got a muthafuckin guestbook n' shit!

Free Guestbook from Bravenet Free Guestbook from Bravenet
fools be linin' up round tha block to sign that mess, fo shizzle!

Updates: more songs, yay! i uploaded all of the latest except colins dashboard song- 2/6/04

Updates: Holy shit! This rusty mofo of a site hasnt been updated since 2002! But things are a changin... I, Zach, have decided to fix the motherfucker up. In case you missed it, we recorded a demo in richmond back in like october, and its pretty damn neat. I updated the music site with a couple new ones for ya.... more later- 2/5/04

By the way, if you have something important to say, this is my email.

Site designed and maintained by your mom and The Carcinogens